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Virtual Conference | May 2nd-3rd, 2024

Trailblazing In Mental Health & Wellness:

The Horizons of Transformative Change In Care 

Erica Thomas Collier

Karuna & Usui Reiki Master Teacher

Erica Thomas Collier is a Karuna & Usui Reiki Master Teacher who was bestowed the gift of Reiki from her mother more than ten years ago. Erica has dedicated her time to share her knowledge about alternative self-healing tools in service to the community. Erica also worked on healing touch through Reiki at New York Presbyterian Hospital, Oncology Outpatient. Current clients are fellow entrepreneurs in the fields of nutrition, health, wellness, social justice, advocacy, policy and the arts.

Erica Thomas Collier

Day 1 & Day 2: Reiki Moments
Day 2 Session 7A: Using Reiki As a Self-Care Tool for Practitioners and Clients Alike

Day 1 & Day 2 Session Description: Reiki Moments

Mind, Body & Soul opening morning relief

Day 2 Session 7A: Using Reiki As a Self-Care Tool for Practitioners and Clients Alike

Clients typically feel relaxed and calm after one session. Multiple sessions are recommended for those working on a particular challenge in their life- either physical, mental or spiritual. Usui Reiki celebrated it’s 100th anniversary in 2022. It is based on five principles that have been *adapted to fit our times. It incorporates what we may already know about mindfulness and simply living “in the moment’. Each principle begins with, “Just for today…:”  I will not worry = I release worry and doubt.

    The adapted principle allows us to dig a little deeper and release aspects of what may rise to the surface. It allows us patience and grace in case little worriment slips in; we can release instead of possibly judging ourselves for allowing the worriment in.

I will not anger = I release the anger that does not serve me

 I know some people who thrive & survive in anger. It could be about something that happened five years ago or yesterday; the outcome is still the same. 

Express your thanks = I’m grateful for blessings and miracles
A gentle reminder to express gratitude for what you have.
I will do my work honestly = I practice expanding my consciousness.

    Visualize or acknowledge each circumstance where you endeavored to expand your consciousness. You can always make a note or set a reminder to reflect on this tomorrow. Examples include working with the five Principles, meditating, seeing someone’s behavior in a new light, feeling grateful, doing a relaxation exercise, etc.

I will be kind to all beings = I will be kind to all beings, including MYSELF
Say or think of when you may have not been kind/gentle to yourself or others today or yesterday. Replay those moments in your mind and ask yourself Reiki guides or angels to let any feelings of guilt go. This energy can be transformed into it’s highest energy & growth for all. Perhaps a deeper conversation needs to be had or you have learned something from the interaction.

As these principles are fresh in our minds, let’s apply them by learning the hand positions for self-Reiki treatment. Ideally, people should primarily receive a Reiki Level 1 Attunement to clear out blockages to receiving the Reiki energy. 


  • Raise awareness surrounding help for the helper under the premise of putting your mask on first in an effort to build longevity and sustainability in the field.  Building strategic paced emotional resilience in practitioners to best service populations and communities in search of innovative mental health care first aid. Radical self-care is our armor in being able to extend critical mental health and wellness care to others. 

  • Design practice continuum solutions to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, promote help-seeking behaviors and emotional well-being practices, and prevent suicide through individual education and outreach events. Leverage Mental Health Continuum (from general mental wellness to mental illness/disorders) by introducing new clinical techniques to direct clinicians to new approaches, research, and awareness trends emerging in the field.

  • Instruct practitioners on alternative modes and models in treatment planning for mental health and wellness for specific populations and communities with unique and modernized emotional response behaviors. 

  • Partner to enhance stigma reduction and breaking barriers to promote help-seeking behaviors for a marginalized and underserved population

  • Exploring and enhancing emotional well-being practices with niche communities and populations.

  • Developing toolkit skills in Mental Health Awareness Advocacy for target populations


Need CEU Credit for Attending?

Don't forget to complete your Session evaluation to receive your CEU credit.  The deadline to complete the evaluation is May 11, 2024.


  ClinicianFest By The Numbers 

ClinicianFest is a 503c organization.  Proceeds from ClinicianFest are used to fund the co-pays of those in need of mental health services but unable to afford such services in their entirety. We partner with over 216 vendors, agencies, private practitioners, and community support programs to support aid in communities with scarce mental healthcare access and resources. To date, we have assisted over 1100 clients in getting the care and aid they need on their journey. 


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